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My Favorite Art Journal Supplies

My Favorite Art Journal Supplies

I want to start sharing more of my art journal pages here on the blog, so I’m going to try to post tips, pages, and maybe even prompts. If you missed it, I recently shared my Reasons to Keep an Art Journal.

Today I wanted to share with you guys some of my (current) favorite supplies to use in my art journal.

My Basics:

  1. A journal with thick paper. I like to make my own with 90 lb mixed media paper.

  2. Pencil.

  3. Good black pen. My favorites are Tombow MONO Drawing Pens.  (affiliate link)

  4. Collage Papers- I use scrapbook paper, tissue papers, Book pages, gelli prints, random pieces of paper I've collaged on, etc. Anything goes.



  1. Gouache, I have some nice gouache, but in my art journal I mainly use HIMI gouache.

  2. Watercolors- I have a custom palette I've set up with paints from Daniel Smith, Winsor Newton, and handmade watercolor paints from etsy.

  3. Tombow Dual Brush Pens, these are an absolute must for me. (affiliate link)

Other Faves:

  1. Washi or Masking Tape.

  2. Gel Medium for collaging.

  3. Stencils.

  4.  Stickers

I think that just about covers the supplies I tend to stick with in my art journal. I do a lot of drawing in my book, so I use a lot of markers, paints.

Of course, the best supply is a good dose of inspiration!

What are your favorite supplies?

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