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Get Messy Thursday- Space and Fires

Get Messy Thursday- Space and Fires

It’s Thursday! That means it is time for another peak in my altered book!

This is the Season of Words in the Get Messy Art Journal community, so I am art journaling in a copy of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.

This is week 3 (halfway already??) and I am enjoying working in an altered book. It is like having premade backgrounds on every page, because the words on the page are such a nice pattern. You can use them as actual words, paint lightly over them so they show through, etc.

Let’s start with my favorite page! NASA just uploaded a bunch of photos from their Apollo missions onto flickr. I love space (you probably knew that) so I was excited about this. I printed out one of the photos and used it in my journal for this page.

The prompt for this page was about using your favorite word, and Space is one of mine. #nerd.

My next page is actually two pages… yeah, that’s not confusing at all.

We were challenged to try and cut out a window in our book, a way to see through a page, so I cut out this circle and coordinated the two pages.

I doodled on the leafs last week, just for fun, and then they found a home in my journal here. I coated them heavily with gel medium, so it will be interesting to see if they lose their colors or not.

Here is what the back page looks like. A gelli print and doodles with watercolors.

I actually just heard the song “flicker” by Lorde and liked the lyrics “I’m quiet like a fire” so I had to use them here. Even better- that song is part of the Mockingjay soundtrack. So appropriate, right?

Now for my least favorite page. I created a blackout poem, by painting over the entire page except for a few different words on the book text.

I like my poem, I just don’t like how chaotic this page ended up. It’s too messy.

There you have it! I am liking sharing these every week, it’s a good creative habit!

Have you done any art journaling lately?

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